30 Mar 2nd transnational meeting at Loughborough University
The 2nd transnational meeting between partners, organised by the British partner of Loughborough University, took place in March 2019, at the start of the pandemic health crisis of Covid-19.
It goes without saying that this meeting was impacted by the general atmosphere of uncertainty on how to organize activities to cope and adapt to this exceptional situation! A direct impact was that our Partner of the Istituto Luigi Sturzo had his flight cancelled at the last moment due to the confinement already begun in Italy. The Italian partner, confined to Rome, was nevertheless able to join the group via Skype!
The partners present were able to take benefit of the high quality of welcome and to get to be aware of the activities led by this avant-garde university! They sought to take full advantage of this opportunity to see and talk to each other, having already realized, that this was perhaps an exceptional moment!