Action research : interview with Pascal Galvani (video)

The Art-Connection project is based on action research. Pascal Galvani, associate professor and researcher at the University of Rimouski (Quebec), presents in this interview a reflection on this methodological approach as a way of accompanying change in the development of educational practices.

  • What is an action research device?
  • What challenges and opportunities for an action research?
  • What contributes to the success of an action research?
  • What are the lessons as a researcher?

Pascal Galvani directs and coordinates the journal Presences, a space for speech and reflection given to practitioner-researchers for “the renewal of knowledge and psychosocial practices”.

His latest book, published in 2020: Self-training and Self-Knowledge, is a synthesis of a whole research career on the exploration of self-training within lifelong learning, in a transdisciplinary and holistic approach; it introduces new alternative practices to respond to the global ecological crisis.

For more information about Pascal Galvani’s work:

Criação colaborativa na propriedade Belle-Idée, em Genebra (Fundação privada HUG, 2019)